Halifax County Historical Society




Name of Corporation

The name of the corporation shall be the Halifax County Historical Society, Inc., located in Halifax County, Virginia.



The Society’s mission is to bring together those people interested in preserving historical information, artifacts, and structures of particular importance to Halifax County, Virginia.




The Society proposes to acquire significant, historical information and disseminate it to the public.

The Society intends to collect primary materials representing all periods of Halifax County’s history.

The Society proposes to ensure for the preservation materials collected.

The Society will provide guidance to ensure preservation of records, archives, and structures.

The Society exists to interpret, collect, and make available evidence of the past, and to provide leadership on furthering knowledge and appreciation of the history of Halifax County, Virginia.

The Society will strive to protect and preserve historic properties in Halifax County, Virginia.




Annual dues of individual active members shall be $15.00. Annual dues for a household shall be $25.00.  Life time membership shall be $250.00. Corporate dues shall be $50.00.

Annual dues shall be payable by the first of September each year. Renewals not paid by the last day of December shall be dropped from membership. The Secretary will send a letter stating that failing to renew membership will result in dropping the member from active membership.

The membership year shall coincide with the fiscal year beginning September 1 and ends August 31.

There shall be an annual meeting of the Society in the fall.



Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than fifteen members to serve a three-year term. Terms shall be staggered, electing 1/3 of the board each year. They are to be elected by the membership at the annual meeting which is held in the fall of each year.

Prospective members of the board will be drawn from the existing membership. The Board reserves the right to appoint a member to the Board if a member is not able to complete his/her term.

The Board of Directors shall meet the third Monday of each month (unless notified otherwise), excluding December and the month of the annual meeting. A special meeting may be called by the president or three members of the Board.

All Board members are required to attend the majority of the Board meetings.

The Board of Directors shall have the power to conduct all affairs of the Society, to decide questions of business that for any reason cannot be acted upon at a meeting of the Society and shall perform such other functions as designated in the bylaws or otherwise assigned to it by the Society.

The Board of Directors shall actively participate in one or more standing committees to ensure that the work of the Society is fulfilled.




The officers of the Board of Directors shall be President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at a subsequent Board meeting following the annual meeting and will serve a one-year term.

Duties of the officers

The President shall have executive supervision over the activities of the Society within the scope provided by the bylaws. The President shall preside at all meetings and report annually on the activities of the Society. The President shall appoint the chairman for each standing committee and ad hoc committees, as deemed necessary. The President (or an appointee) shall represent the organization on the Board of the Prizery as long as the Society is associated with the Prizery.

The Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence, incapacity or resignation of the President or when asked to do so.

The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors, maintain an accurate list of the officers, current membership, conduct the general correspondence as directed by the Society, issue notices of all meetings, read and maintain all letters and mail all Society materials and notices, including dues.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of Society funds, for maintaining accurate financial records, payment of sales taxes, filing federal income taxes, and correspondence with the State Corporation Commission.  The treasurer shall deposit all moneys received with a reliable banking company in the name of the Halifax County Historical Society Inc. The treasurer shall dispense funds from the checking account on his or her signature. In the absence or incapacity of the treasurer, the president is empowered to dispense funds on his or her signature. Any expenditure over $500.00 will require the approval of the treasurer and one other member of the Board of Directors of the Society. The treasurer shall render a written report at each meeting and a yearly report at the annual meeting, based on the fiscal year.



Committees and Duties

The Society shall have the following standing committees and each chairperson shall provide a status report at Board meetings:

Crossing of the Dan Commemoration:  This committee shall coordinate with the local schools, members of the Sons of the American Revolution, members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, event speaker, venue staff and local officials to support the commemoration event.

Preservation Project:  This committee will work with the Fundraising Committee and contractors to ensure that any preservation project is completed according to agreements.

Finance and Fund Raising Committee:  This committee will be chaired by the treasurer and be responsible for all finances related to fund raising activities.

Program Committee:  This committee will be responsible for all member programs and the Society’s annual meeting.

Festival Committee:  This committee is responsible for selection and participation in Festivals to sell Society books, memorabilia and merchandise.

Exhibit Committee:  This committee will oversee the maintenance and preservation of Crossing of the Dan exhibit.

Research Committee:  This committee is responsible for collecting, cataloging and maintaining books, manuscripts, newspapers, and other historic source material owned and/or contributed to the Society.

Other ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President.



 Parliamentary Rules

Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority in all questions of parliamentary law, not covered by the constitution and bylaws.




The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board by a majority vote of those members in attendance. The proposed amendment(s) must be submitted in writing to the Board members at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.  Any Board recommended changes will be published in the members’ Bulletin. The voting on these changes will be acted upon at the next members’ meeting by a majority vote of those in attendance. A minimum of 1 month will be provided to the members for review of any changes to the bylaws.